Papers and Presentations


Russell, Katherine R. To appear. A corpus-based study of variation in and extension of two Paraguayan Guaraní nasalisation patterns. Accepted to Phonology as part of the special issue 'Corpus phonology'. 

Russell, Katherine R. 2023b. The phonology of Atchan. Language and Linguistics Compass 17 (4).

Russell, Katherine R. 2023a. Nasalization in Paraguayan Guaraní. In Marianne Huijsmans, D. K. E. Reisinger, and Rose Underhill (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Structure and Constituency in the Languages of the Americas 25. Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL. 131--145. 

Russell, Katherine R. 2022b. Interactions of Nasal Harmony and Word-Internal Language Mixing in Paraguayan Guaraní. Languages 7: 67.

Russell, Katherine R. 2022a. Reduplication in Paraguayan Guaraní: A novel prosodic analysis. In Noah Elkins, Bruce Hayes, Jinyoung Jo, and Jian-Leat Siah (eds.), Supplemental Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. 

Russell, Katherine R. To appear. A Unified Account of Grammatical Tone and Length in Gã. In Essegbey, James, Henderson, Brent, McLaughlin, Fiona & Diercks, Michael (eds.). Pushing the boundaries: Selected papers from the 51-52 Annual Conference on African Linguistics. (Contemporary African Linguistics). Berlin: Language Science Press.

Dido, Yao Maxime, Julianne Kapner, Katherine R. Russell and Hannah Sande. Submitted. Two case studies of language endangerment and maintenance in Côte d’Ivoire. In edited volume ‘Multilingualism, identity and language endangerment in Africa’. 

Garvin, Karee, Anna Macknick, Katherine R. Russell and Hannah Sande. Submitted. A typology of STAMP morphs in the Macro-Sudan Belt. Submitted to Proceedings from Diedrich Westermann's legacy between Macro-Sudan Belt and Niger-Congo: an international workshop on the linguistic history in Central Africa commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1st professorship for African languages in Berlin.


Russell, Katherine R. 2021. Phonological adaptation of borrowings into Washoe.


2025. Acoustics and aerodynamics of Nghlwa implosives. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; January 9-12. (with Lindsay Hatch and Alexandra Pfiffner).  

2024. TBD. Workshop on phonological domains and what conditions them. University of California, Berkeley; September 13-14. 

2024. The Atchan Song and Story Corpus: Towards a sustainable, adaptable online resource. Language Documentation and Archiving Conference, Berlin, Germany; September 2-3. Poster. (with Yao Maxime Dido, Siddharth Ganapathy, Lindsay Hatch, Rebecca Jarvis, and Marie-Anne Xu) 

2024. Floating tone in Atchan: Syntactic and phonological considerations. ACAL 55, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada; May 2-4. Slides.

2024. Phonetic and phonological characteristics of bilabial stops in the Potou languages. ACAL 55, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada; May 2-4. (with Lindsay Hatch and Alexandra Pfiffner). Slides

2024. Non-local verb nasalization in Atchan. Workshop on Morphology at Princeton (WOMP), Princeton University, New Jersey; March 22-24. Poster / handout

2024. Reduplication in Atchan as prosodically conditioned morphological doubling. OCP 21, Leipzig, Germany; February 13-16. Poster / handout.

2024. Morpheme-specific nasal harmony in Atchan. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, New York, New York; January 4-7. Slides.

2023. Reduplication in Atchan as prosodically conditioned morphological doubling. AMP 2023, Johns Hopkins University, virtual; October 20-22. Handout.

2023. Two types of negation in Guébie. ACAL 54, University of Connecticut, June 12-14. Handout.

2023. TAMP marking on non-pronominal subjects in the Macro-Sudan Belt. ACAL 54, University of Connecticut, June 12-14. (with Hannah Sande, Anna Macknick, Karee Garvin and Lydia Felice)

2023. Variability in Paraguayan Guaraní nasal harmony: Interactions with morphosyntax. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado; January 5-8. Handout

2023. Opposite directionality in [+/-F] agreement: The case of Tupí-Guaraní nasal harmony. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado; January 5-8. With Myriam Lapierre

2022. The development of subject negation marking across Eastern Kru. Third AMC Symposium: Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different? University of Edinburgh, Scotland; December 5-7. Handout.

2022. Paraguayan Guaraní reduplication: a novel prosodic analysis. AMP 2022, University of California, Los Angeles; October 21-23. Poster

2022. Introducing the Twisted Tongues database. Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Information Structure in African Languages, Porto-Novo, Benin; July 28-30. (with Hannah Sande)

2022. Nasalization in Atchan: Sensitivity to morpheme identity. Réseau Français de Phonologie, Universidade do Porto, Portugal; June 7-9.

2022. Nasalization in Atchan: morpheme-specific harmony. 29mfm, University of Edinburgh, virtual; May 25-27. Slides.

2022. Morpheme-specific domains of nasalization in Atchan. ACAL 53, University of California, San Diego, virtual; April 7-9. Slides.

2022. A novel approach to reduplication across Tupi-Guaraní. Fourth Symposium on Amazonian Languages (SAL 4), University of California, Berkeley; April 2-3. Handout

2022. 'Homescript': Documentation and Development of a Guébie Orthography. UC Africanist Research Workshop, University of California, Berkeley; March 10-12. (with Julianne Kapner)

2022. Progressive Nasalization in Paraguayan Guaraní: Multiply Conditioned Spreading. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.; January 6-9. Cancelled due to COVID restrictions.

2021. A typology of STAMP morphs in the Macro-Sudan Belt. Diedrich Westermann's legacy between Macro-Sudan Belt and Niger-Congo: an international workshop on the linguistic history in Central Africa commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1st professorship for African languages in Berlin. Berlin; November 4-6. (with Hannah Sande and Karee Garvin)

2021. Nasal harmony and interactions with lexical strata in Paraguayan Guaraní. AMP 2021, University of Toronto, virtual; October 1-3. Poster

2021. There is no unified generative analysis of STAMP morphs. AIMM 5, the Ohio State University, virtual; August 26-29. (with Hannah Sande and Karee Garvin)

2021. Interaction of tone, segmental auxiliaries, and word order in Guébie TAMP morphology. WOCAL 10, Leiden University, virtual; June 7-12. (with Hannah Sande)

2021. A typological survey of STAMP morphology and phonology in the Macro-Sudan Belt. WOCAL 10, Leiden University, virtual; June 7-12. (with Hannah Sande and Karee Garvin)

2021. Progressive Nasalization in Paraguayan Guaraní: Interactions with Loanword Morphophonology. WSCLA 25, Sogang University, virtual; May 28-30. Slides. 

2021. A Unified Account of Grammatical Tone and Length in Gã. ACAL 51-52, University of Florida, virtual; April 8-10. Slides.

2021. Grammatical Tone in Mòoré: Phonological Sensitivity to the Phrase Boundary. Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, virtual; January 7-10. Poster.

2020. Grammatical Tone in Mòoré. Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

2019. Morphologically Conditioned Vowel Length in Gã: a Templatic Analysis. Afranaph Project Development Workshop 3, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.; December 13-14.